Thursday, July 30, 2009

postheadericon not just a journey II

So during that 10/11/12 years..they were the years where Muhammad taught them about tauhid, about akidah…to believe in sharpen their faith…there were no solat,fasting or zakat yet…its all bout in Allah. If i ask u…do u belive in Allah?do u love Allah?n i assume u would go like “yeah..of coz..I DO BELIVE IN ALLAH N I LOVE ALLAH” but words alone r just not enuogh…its ur ACTION!…

so only after israk n mikraj,muslims are required to do their solah 5 times a day,this will prove that if YOU LOVE ALLAH,U SHOULD DO WHATEVER HE ASKS.Allah had ordered us muslims through Muhammad to perform solah. People with strong aqidah insyaAllah have no problem in doing so.see the point y akidah is so important?so that u belive in Allah n wutever He says even it s not acceptable by the human brains(after all,He's the one who created our brains..)and when u have this strong aqidah,u have the strength to do what ur told to do so by Allah. solat, puasa, zakat, haji, etc(without whining) our aqidah,..keep it straight.

What's the significance of the story?it can be applied in raising up our children..for the 1st 10/11/12 years u fertilize akidah in them n then after 10/11/12 years..u ask them to solat!wajib fardhu!ok.. it doesnt mean that before 10/11/12 years old,u dont have to expose the way of how to perform solah to ur children..imagine..we taught our kids bout knowing Allah,tauhid,akidah,etc when they were small..n when they reach 10/11/12..we say “ok dollah(eg,the child’s name is dollah..)go and pray!n of coz dollah ll go like “erm???(with super duper raised left eyebrow)”.well..dollah doesnt kno how 2 read Al-fatihah! Y? bcoz the parents didn’t teach him bfore.

ever heard that when our child reaches 7 years old, we should start teaching him/her how to perform solah..when the child reaches 10 years old and he/she doesn’t perform solah, we shall give him/her a stroke or 2,etc(i dont know how many) so we have to teach them from the start when they are still’s ok when they reach 2,3 years old, we ask them to perform solat together…even they ll do dramatic actions,wutsoever…such as sujud ala2 suparman..sujud with unlifted’s ok..they r children..take them easy..they ll be ok time by long as u teach them right…,insyaAllah

Last but not least..what are our roles?
  • Believe israk n mikraj with all our heart…
  • Raise ur kids properly…its important to strengthen them 1st with aqidah..(huhu..parenting class)
  • never feel lazy in doing ibadah…especially in performing solah…solah is different from other ibadah in that the order of solah was received directly by Rasulullah SAW from Allah SWT during israk and mikraj and not like any others that had involved Jibril as a messenger. After all,the 1st thing that will be judged from us during the judgement day is our solah..therefore,perform ur solahs.. never get lazy..n try ur best to be khusyuk…n solahs r best done if they r done on time!
  • israk n mikraj happened in the year of sorrow(thn kesedihan)..which when the persons who were most dear to him, Khadijah and Abu Thalib had passed away..n then after that, Allah had ordered Muhammad to confront Him through the journey of israk mikraj.this shows that..u should always turn to Allah if u have any matter how small or how big the problem u face, it’s Allah u should cry to..
ALLAH KNOWS BEST n HE KNOWS WHAT IS GOOD FOR U…every difficulty comes from him,so does every solution…seek help from Him..

postheadericon not just a journey I

this time..this story is quite i decided to divide it into 2 parts..

so here it goes..d 1st part..

We know that Rejab is the month of our prophet,Muhammad SAW while Syaaban is the month of Allah whereas Ramadhan is our month (the month ofthe ummah)…as u guys are very well aware,israk n mikraj took place on 27th of rejab, the journey started fromMakkah to Masjidil aqsa,n from masjidil aqsa to the 7th heavens n then back again to earth.Imagine,this whole journey of israk mikraj happenedin not just a single night,,it was less than a night!

this incident has wrecked havoc in Makkah.The people were bz “discussing” bout the incident,they thought it just didn’t make any sense,there were people @ that time were like thinking how did this guy travel from makkah to masjidil aqsa n from there up to the 7th heavens in less than a night?…just How?? have we forgotten?Allah Al-Muqtadir..Maha Berkuasa..Isn't it His will to do anything at anytime at anywhere He wants to..Kun fayakun..if He wants to make it less than a night,yeah..goahead..Allah the Almighty..He can do WUTEVER HE WILLS or He wants to do it in less than a it possible? again, Allah the we have to doubt that?Do we have to doubt Allah,the MOST GLORIOUS,to Him is our return.HE can do anything…

“MahaSuci Allah yang telah menjalankan hamba-Nya (Muhammad) pada malam hari dariMasjidil-Haraam (di Mekah) ke Masjidil-Aqsa (di Palestin), yang Kami berkatisekelilingnya, untuk memperlihatkan kepadanya tanda-tanda (kekuasaan dankebesaran) Kami. Sesungguhnya Allah jualah yang Maha Mendengar lagi MahaMengetahui.”(Q.S. Al-Israa’: 1).
Allah Himself had said it in the Quran..

People who think with their logic minds will not believe israk and mikraj..whereas those who believe with their faiths (aqidah)unquestionably believe israk mikraj,we ourselves are very2 aware that human minds are limited,meaning that we can only think within certain limit..Or in other words, we can only accept things that are logic nwe doubt things which are's people’s’s supposed to be like that,eg..i tell u..i went to Sweden by a boat and on my way i bumped into a group of ikan bilis n they were doing a belle dancing then i reached Sweden in 3 minutes only..will u buy that? nope..of coz u wont..thats y people cannot accept that israk n mikraj took about less that 1 night when they think with their human minds..but people can accept it so when they think bout it and believe it with aqidah.The non-believers of that time had a good time mocking and laughing at theProphet s.a.w and Muslims, while some Muslims had a hard time coming to termswith the story. It has been reported some even become backslidden coz theydidn’t believe..their human brains couldn’t take it

But at that time, Abu Bakar became the first Muslim who stepped out, and publicly proclaimed his trust in the word of the Prophet s.a.w, By doing it, heproved himself to a be a true Muslim, for a true Muslim believe in the Prophets.a.w and acknowledge that the mind is limited, and there are things happeningthat are beyond the human imagination…perhaps,we can be sidq and brave like him,insyaAllah.Ok..israk n mikraj took place about after 12/11/10th years of prophecy of Nabi Muhammad SAW…(theyare many opinions bout it)so..ok think…Wasn’t it after israk n mikraj,that we were obliged toperform solat?n 2 freshen up ur mind,israk n mikraj happened after 10/11/12th year s of prophecy,so wut happened during that 10/11/12 years,before israk and mikraj took place?didnt they do solat???no zakat?haji?fasting??

postheadericon short dream

al kisah mimpiku–here it goes.., i was still a "school student"..n i was kind of superbusy..In fact, all of the students were like busy with themselves, they were working on their science projects..n some were like in a hurry to catch something..n some were like walking fast…while the others were doing something else.The school was in a "busy" state where the students were running here and there…

and there i was heading to go to the next class..(i think so),and i was pictured in my dream, in a super rush to go somewhere(maybe to the class)..and at that time, i was walking with my friend, and i was walking real fast and..on my way before reaching the place i intended to go, all of a sudden, my hand was grabbed by someone, i turned around, and i saw the person that was holding my hand tightly was my Ustazah…and she whispered something to me..she said.. "Go and perform your solah first”~end~

that was all that i could remember.. it seems simple though, but i feel something whenever i think bout this dream…i assure u feel something too,ryto?But anyway, i am still gonna make a conclusion..

The meaning "Go and perform your solah FIRST” explains to me that no matter how super busy we get, , it doesn’t mean that we have to exclude Allah just like that. Just take 5 minutes of your time to perform your solah and then go back to your work,insyaAllah, your day will be blessed and He will make your work later on much easier for you..just 5 minutes…that’s all.And the scene(cewwah) where Ustazah was holding my hand shows that we need to always remind one and another(amar maaruf nahi munkar) coz we humans are weak and always forgetful… i hope we are and always be among the solihin…and really hope insyaAllah we will always remind each other.

"No one of you shall become a true believer until he desires for his brother what he desires for himself"


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About Me

student of university of Alexandria,egypt (bukan gambar sebenar)
