Thursday, August 27, 2009

postheadericon Shame shame!

=Memang hairan orang yang
dapat hidup sampai Ramadan ini, tetapi dosa dia tidak diampun.

=It is surprising that people can live up to Ramadan, but their sins are not forgiven

It's a shame to treat the month(ramadhan) just like any others..
Ya ayyuhal mukminun..grab the opportunity! It's the only month that you can perform solat terawih..the only month which there is laylatul-qadr..

I saw people performing their prayers.. I envy them.. to see their tears running down..when there wasnt enough air to breathe to say their readings out clearly,thinking of the commited sins..

Frustating enough to see when it was so easy for them to get "the feel" during their solah.. how they "khusyuk" and how they felt very deeply remorse...when myself couldnt reach that's hard yet I am trying..It's ok..innallaha ma as up doesnt suit muslims anyway..

We dont get ramadhan all comes only once/ dont waste it!increase what you have to increase! If let's say last year, you had managed to perform 8 rakaat of terawih.. maybe this year you can add more to it..maybe 10 for the first five nights..then 12 for the next ones..and in the end you'll find that you' ve done 20 in the last nights of ramadhan..never mind take it slowly..if 20 rakaats are too what u can.. if last year, u could read 4 pages of Quran after each prayer..try to add one more.. biar sedikit tapi istiqamah..

amalan fardhu di dalam bulan tersebut(ramadhan) digandakan pahalanya sebanyak 70 kali ganda

go and say your prayers..doa all day long...especially during laylatul qadr...when making doa,people might wish to get big money.. to get a raise.. to get beautiful wives even they already have 3.. but the most beautiful wish is forgiveness..what else do we wish for when forgiveness by Allah is superly enough..

Nabi bertanya kepada Aisyah semula "Apakah kamu nak buat bila kamu bertemu dengan malam Qadar?". Aisyah menjawab "Saya tak tahu" kemudian Aisyah bertanya lagi "Apakah yang patut saya buat bila bertemu dengan malam Qadar itu?". Nabi berkata kepada Aisyah "Malam itu malam yang amat baik untuk beramal dimalamnya dan amat mudah dimakbul Allah doanya". Aisyah bertanya lagi "Apakah doa yang paling baik untuk aku berdoa pada malam itu?" Nabi jawab "Kalau kamu sempat berjumpa dan mengetahui malam itu ialah malam Qadar berdoalah "Allah humma innaka 'afuu 'un karimun tuhib bul 'af wa fa' fu 'anni" (maknanya Ya Allah, Kamulah Tuhan yang sangat suka mengampun, ampunkanlah dosa-dosa saya).

get close to Allah..the one who created us..who gave us lives.. too little the times we come back to Him.. yet spending more time to ps2, internet, tv,firends...etc knowing they would not even help us in the day of judgement.. those who havent died(huu..)make dates with Allah..He's infinitely there for us..

Faya ‘ajaban liman adraka ramada na fala yukh farulah:hairan orang yang
dapat hidup sampai Ramadan ini, tetapi dosa dia tidak diampun

so..if you still treat Ramadhan like any other months.. no effort to do more ibadahs.. still not decreasing lagho stuff.. feeling no regrets as one of the days of Ramadhan passes you by... SHAME on U!
(this post is especially for the one who wrote it..)

Monday, August 3, 2009

postheadericon THE BLUE AND THE YELLOW

Have a dream...a “fantasy-oid” one..

It was a WAR!!!The battle between two tribes…but here there were no people..They were robots! Imagine two large groups of robots like those from the transformers were fighting in a tribe was of the blue robots and the other was of the yellow ones..

With super high technology used on the equipments and the gadgets..They brutally fought one another to define the men of victory…I couldn’t remember which side of the robots but let’s just assume that the blue robots were taking control of the war... they vanished the yellow robots one by one..the yellow had become weak..and they were finally defeated.. so these blue warriors eventually have the power over the buildings and towers of the yellow ones..they invaded the castle and started to settle there.. as pictured, the blue were having their great time in the castle..they were having fun with drinks.. and some were having their break..lying down..

After some time, the blue robots went to take ablution(wudu’)..oh yeah they were muslims.. so they went to the ablution the very moment of the ablution..Very suddenly, the blue robots surprisingly were attacked! An ambush by the left yellow robots.. The blue robots were badly cornered.

And the next thing I knew, there was the scene where all of the locals were running haphazardly, as the city was falling down into pieces..The wind was striking very hard, the sand was whirling endlessly. And out of the blue, I saw myself was running with my friends too... (we were among the locals) and my friends, one by one disappeared through the whirling sand. And in the end I was all alone by myself. I kept on running real fast, trying to outrun the tornado while there’s a BIGGG lion behind, speeding towards me.

Alone, I dashed into a mosque I think..Climbing to the top floor and the lion was still there behind, until I reached some kind of a corridor where the ground floor exactly below it, located a huge pool. No clue where to go next. I turned around, the lion was still running fast towards me. I stood there, as if waiting for it to come nearer…And when it was about to pounce me, suddenly I bend myself, trying to escape, and there was the lion flying beyond the corridor and finally it fell down, heading itself down into the pool. Booosh… I was saved.

And then, there was me suddenly outside alone in the desert..After the war..Me and the silent sand, no buildings no people..then I saw another big mosque like that in Turkey, only it’s larger. I headed towards it, and pulled open the huge door. I jerked my head inside, there I saw an old woman, in her telekung sitting with her back facing me. Then she turned her head around. She looked at me..And she smiled…-end-

Now as usual,the time for a conclusion..

The blue robots after they've won the war..They were having fun, carried away by victory.. why didn’t they at least sujud syukur to express their syukur to Allah and worse, they perform solah LATER after that..they are neglectful of their solah..

Maka kecelakaanlah bagi orang-orang yang shalat. (yaitu) orang-orang yang lalai dari shalatnya (Al-ma'un : 4-5)

The true victory is not merely by conquering something..the true victory is to be able to give thanks to Allah whether we have achieved something or even when we lose..(kpd diri sndiri dan kwn2 yang menanti result final.. terima dgn bersyukur whatever our results may be..huu)

Dan apabila Kami berikan kesenangan kepada manusia niscaya berpalinglah dia; dan membelakang dengan sikap yang sombong; dan apabila dia ditimpa kesusahan niscaya dia berputus asa. (Al-israa' :83)

And the next point, in the my dream..I was the only one saved from all of the people..and finally, I met with an old woman, indicating that there was a new population..with new people… perhaps the old woman wearing her telekung shows that the people from the new population are much better than the previous..this ayah might suit it..

Jika Dia menghendaki, niscaya Dia memusnahkan kamu dan mendatangkan makhluk yang baru (untuk menggantikan kamu). (Faathir :16)

Never let duniawi carry you away..make you away from students, it's true we are always showered by assignments..but don't forget the holliest assignment of to present your solah to Allah..5 times a day

Sesungguhnya beruntunglah orang yang membersihkan diri (dengan beriman),dan dia ingat nama Tuhannya, lalu dia sembahyang. (Al-a'laa:14-15)