Thursday, August 27, 2009
Shame shame!
=Memang hairan orang yang
dapat hidup sampai Ramadan ini, tetapi dosa dia tidak diampun.
=It is surprising that people can live up to Ramadan, but their sins are not forgiven
It's a shame to treat the month(ramadhan) just like any others..
Ya ayyuhal mukminun..grab the opportunity! It's the only month that you can perform solat terawih..the only month which there is laylatul-qadr..
I saw people performing their prayers.. I envy them.. to see their tears running down..when there wasnt enough air to breathe to say their readings out clearly,thinking of the commited sins..
Frustating enough to see when it was so easy for them to get "the feel" during their solah.. how they "khusyuk" and how they felt very deeply remorse...when myself couldnt reach that's hard yet I am trying..It's ok..innallaha ma as up doesnt suit muslims anyway..
We dont get ramadhan all comes only once/ dont waste it!increase what you have to increase! If let's say last year, you had managed to perform 8 rakaat of terawih.. maybe this year you can add more to it..maybe 10 for the first five nights..then 12 for the next ones..and in the end you'll find that you' ve done 20 in the last nights of ramadhan..never mind take it slowly..if 20 rakaats are too what u can.. if last year, u could read 4 pages of Quran after each prayer..try to add one more.. biar sedikit tapi istiqamah..
amalan fardhu di dalam bulan tersebut(ramadhan) digandakan pahalanya sebanyak 70 kali ganda
go and say your prayers..doa all day long...especially during laylatul qadr...when making doa,people might wish to get big money.. to get a raise.. to get beautiful wives even they already have 3.. but the most beautiful wish is forgiveness..what else do we wish for when forgiveness by Allah is superly enough..
Nabi bertanya kepada Aisyah semula "Apakah kamu nak buat bila kamu bertemu dengan malam Qadar?". Aisyah menjawab "Saya tak tahu" kemudian Aisyah bertanya lagi "Apakah yang patut saya buat bila bertemu dengan malam Qadar itu?". Nabi berkata kepada Aisyah "Malam itu malam yang amat baik untuk beramal dimalamnya dan amat mudah dimakbul Allah doanya". Aisyah bertanya lagi "Apakah doa yang paling baik untuk aku berdoa pada malam itu?" Nabi jawab "Kalau kamu sempat berjumpa dan mengetahui malam itu ialah malam Qadar berdoalah "Allah humma innaka 'afuu 'un karimun tuhib bul 'af wa fa' fu 'anni" (maknanya Ya Allah, Kamulah Tuhan yang sangat suka mengampun, ampunkanlah dosa-dosa saya).
get close to Allah..the one who created us..who gave us lives.. too little the times we come back to Him.. yet spending more time to ps2, internet, tv,firends...etc knowing they would not even help us in the day of judgement.. those who havent died(huu..)make dates with Allah..He's infinitely there for us..
reflect..Faya ‘ajaban liman adraka ramada na fala yukh farulah:hairan orang yang dapat hidup sampai Ramadan ini, tetapi dosa dia tidak diampun
so..if you still treat Ramadhan like any other months.. no effort to do more ibadahs.. still not decreasing lagho stuff.. feeling no regrets as one of the days of Ramadhan passes you by... SHAME on U!
(this post is especially for the one who wrote it..)
dapat hidup sampai Ramadan ini, tetapi dosa dia tidak diampun.
=It is surprising that people can live up to Ramadan, but their sins are not forgiven
It's a shame to treat the month(ramadhan) just like any others..
Ya ayyuhal mukminun..grab the opportunity! It's the only month that you can perform solat terawih..the only month which there is laylatul-qadr..
I saw people performing their prayers.. I envy them.. to see their tears running down..when there wasnt enough air to breathe to say their readings out clearly,thinking of the commited sins..
Frustating enough to see when it was so easy for them to get "the feel" during their solah.. how they "khusyuk" and how they felt very deeply remorse...when myself couldnt reach that's hard yet I am trying..It's ok..innallaha ma as up doesnt suit muslims anyway..
We dont get ramadhan all comes only once/ dont waste it!increase what you have to increase! If let's say last year, you had managed to perform 8 rakaat of terawih.. maybe this year you can add more to it..maybe 10 for the first five nights..then 12 for the next ones..and in the end you'll find that you' ve done 20 in the last nights of ramadhan..never mind take it slowly..if 20 rakaats are too what u can.. if last year, u could read 4 pages of Quran after each prayer..try to add one more.. biar sedikit tapi istiqamah..
amalan fardhu di dalam bulan tersebut(ramadhan) digandakan pahalanya sebanyak 70 kali ganda
go and say your prayers..doa all day long...especially during laylatul qadr...when making doa,people might wish to get big money.. to get a raise.. to get beautiful wives even they already have 3.. but the most beautiful wish is forgiveness..what else do we wish for when forgiveness by Allah is superly enough..
Nabi bertanya kepada Aisyah semula "Apakah kamu nak buat bila kamu bertemu dengan malam Qadar?". Aisyah menjawab "Saya tak tahu" kemudian Aisyah bertanya lagi "Apakah yang patut saya buat bila bertemu dengan malam Qadar itu?". Nabi berkata kepada Aisyah "Malam itu malam yang amat baik untuk beramal dimalamnya dan amat mudah dimakbul Allah doanya". Aisyah bertanya lagi "Apakah doa yang paling baik untuk aku berdoa pada malam itu?" Nabi jawab "Kalau kamu sempat berjumpa dan mengetahui malam itu ialah malam Qadar berdoalah "Allah humma innaka 'afuu 'un karimun tuhib bul 'af wa fa' fu 'anni" (maknanya Ya Allah, Kamulah Tuhan yang sangat suka mengampun, ampunkanlah dosa-dosa saya).
get close to Allah..the one who created us..who gave us lives.. too little the times we come back to Him.. yet spending more time to ps2, internet, tv,firends...etc knowing they would not even help us in the day of judgement.. those who havent died(huu..)make dates with Allah..He's infinitely there for us..
reflect..Faya ‘ajaban liman adraka ramada na fala yukh farulah:hairan orang yang dapat hidup sampai Ramadan ini, tetapi dosa dia tidak diampun
so..if you still treat Ramadhan like any other months.. no effort to do more ibadahs.. still not decreasing lagho stuff.. feeling no regrets as one of the days of Ramadhan passes you by... SHAME on U!
(this post is especially for the one who wrote it..)